Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Goodness, Gracious

What Are Y O U Grateful For?

Everyday we are faced with stressful situations, it is inevitable in world we live in. Sometimes just stepping outside can feel like a challenge... even though it is truly a blessing to be able to walk out of the door in the first place. Why are we so fearful? What is there to worry about? Yes, a majority of us have "bills to pay and mouths to feed" as the saying goes -- but should that Really leave us exhausted, dissatisfied and grumpy? These are feelings that I know many of us are experiencing on a day-to-day basis, but have no business succumbing to continuously! Can we make a positive change, for our health, together? I am willing if you are!

Now I have already been attempting to regulate this practice, and I will be honest... it IS easier said than done... But PLEASE do not be discouraged!! Meaningful, important and precious things take time, energy and some good old fashioned TLC to achieve an overall vision. If you want R E A L results, then you must put forth the effort to make your dream a REALity. 

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It all starts with some positive self talk, self assurance, and saying (to yourself) what you are thankful for. Telling yourself that you are a beautiful creation of the universe, thinking to yourself you 'can accomplish' whatever you set your mind to, and reminding yourself of what you are grateful for are wonderful rituals that will set you up for happiness and success. I speak from experience! These things should be practiced daily, and with a deep and genuine appreciation. In the beginning, if you are unable to genuinely think and/or say such things to yourself-- FAKE IT! Eventually you Will start believing what you have been telling yourself!! (Especially if you are repeating your proverbs often.) Gratitude is a key in understanding and accepting not only yourself, but the world around you. No one and nothing matters more than your own opinion and your own self worth. Make it count! For yourself! Stand out in the crowded waves of conformity! Love the R E A L you! It does get easier when you practice positive self talk and gratitude. The more you do these things- the better you will feel and the better the world around you will be.

~Namaste friends~
I am thankful for all of you!

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