Friday, February 20, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Spring is coming early for me this year! 

 It's time to get out the feather dusters for a proverbial Spring cleaning - one of my personal life! Time to clean out the negative habits, toxic individuals and wrongful ways of thinking. Who can benefit from the things that weigh us down? Often times we do not realize how we have habitualized certain ways of living; some of which are not positive! 

It's time to lift myself up and take what is mine... 
happiness, unconditional love and smiles for miles! :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Steps to my successful life detox:
  • Stay positive! No matter what happens, maintaining a positive mindset can derail any bad situation that comes your way.
  • Keep moving forward. No one got any further by looking back! The past is right where it should be - in the PAST. Continue pressing on and moving forward, the best is yet to come.
  • Disregard the "haters"... This one sounds silly, but I can't tell you how many people are waiting to jump on something bad! Rise above those individuals and know that what you are doing is right! It may not be right for them, but it is YOUR LIFE. Shake it off, shake it off ;)
  • Let go of doubt, just let it go. Doubt is toxic, it is the cousin of fear- try not to let it control you! When you start to feel doubtful about something, remember that you can do anything... I mean ANYTHING!! We are fully capable of achieving anything we desire, but when we let fear cloud our judgement we can begin to doubt ourselves.      No Más!