Friday, April 25, 2014


How was your day today? 

Mine was flipped completely upside-down... Literally!


While out and about today, I made a stop by a childhood hangout-- Springtime Skatepark. There I met many young folks who were very open to my strange yogi moves! A young lady approached my at the end of this video, asking if I could teach her how to do a headstand... Isn't that something?! I am already fulfilling my dream of inspiring others through my yoga practice <3 

*Currently experiencing a natural high of happiness*


  1. Your size is beautiful. Can a person who has a little weight on them, still do yoga like that? Headstands, etc.?

    1. Thank you so much! I encourage anyone and Everyone to try out yoga! There are many different styles, and there are modifications for nearly every yoga posture.
